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Swifts travel back to the UK in late April and May, to breed after spending the winter in Africa. They are faithful to their nest sites, returning the same one every year; often in houses or old buildings where there are tiny gaps for them to enter into the roof void where they nest. The problem is that when buildings are renovated these small gaps are often in-filled and their nest sites are lost. Over the past 30 years the population in the UK has declined by over 60%.

To help provide nesting opportunities in the lower Lee Valley we have integrated swift boxes into the walls of the new Lee Valley Ice Centre. In order to attract swifts to this new nest site we’ve installed a solar powered swift call system which mimics the noise that Swifts use when in their nest, this encourages other swifts to investigate for vacant sites. The call system is on a timer, scheduled to play at the best time of day to attract Swifts.

Whilst Swifts have been seen overhead, feeding over Leyton Marsh, the nest boxes have only been used by a Great Tit so far – fingers crossed the Swifts will join them soon!

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