Otter Discovery Trail

Proceed into the park through the walk-around gates opposite the main car parking area.
Follow the pathway, crossing the bridge over the Flood Relief Channel.
At the end of the bridge turn left, through the walk-around and head south along the pathway, keeping Seventy Acres Lake on the right and the Old River Lee on the left.
Proceed through the walk-around gate, into Hooks Marsh car park.
Bear to the right and exit from the western end through the bollards towards the high green bridge.
Proceed over this bridge and continue, passing between Seventy Acres Lake on the right and Hooks Marsh Lake on the left.
Bear to the right and continue north on the surfaced pathway between the lake on the right and the River Lee Navigation on the left.
Proceed past the entrance to Cheshunt Lock (North Metropolitan Orchid Meadow is a short detour from the route - turn left over Cheshunt Lock and continue along the pathway ahead, down the slope into the orchid meadow) and continue to the northern tip of the lake.
Bear to the right around the edge of the lake, turning right at the pathway junction, alongside the Old River Lee, passing an information panel on the left.
Pass the Wildlife Discovery Centre on the right, turning left back over the bridge, retracing the route back to the car park. (Lee Valley Animal Adventure Park is a short detour from the route - follow the pathway in front of the toilets, and take the first right turn, signposted to Lee Valley Park Farms and continue along the pathway to the farm car park).
Fishers Green
Lee Valley Animal Adventure Park – 5 minutes from route.
Lee ValleyAnimal Adventure Park – 5 minutes from route