Farm and Wetland Trail

Proceed across the extended car park and join the surfaced pathway on the left.
At the field gate turn right and continue, turn right at the signpost and follow the pathway to the Fishers Green overflow car park.
Proceed through the car park and turn left onto a stony grass path alongside the Flood Relief Channel, heading south.
Proceed through a walk-around gate, turning right over a bridge across the Flood Relief Channel to the two field gates.
Proceed through the walk-around gate on the left and continue along the surfaced path passing the National Grid sub station on the right.
Turn left, over the metal bridge, crossing the Old River Lee, heading south.
Turn right over the wooden bridge, crossing River Lee Navigation and proceed along the causeway dividing North Metropolitan Pit.
Bear to the left, heading south past Nightingale Wood and Pochard Viewpoint.
Turn right over the red brick bridge crossing Small River Lee, turning left and heading south.
Turn left, signposted Hooks Marsh, continue east over a metal bridge, crossing the Small River Lee.
Continue past the North Metropolitan Pit viewing platform on the left and proceed over the bridge crossing the River Lee Navigation.
Exit the bridge and continue ahead, keeping to the right pathway in an easterly direction, crossing the green bridge between Seventy Acres Lake and Hooks Marsh Lake.
Proceed into Hooks Marsh Car Park passing the bollards and exit through the walk-around on the left side of the car park.
Continue along the pathway heading north, passing alongside Seventy Acres Lake on the left and the Flood Relief Channel on the right.
At the north end of the lake, continue through a walk-around gate and turn right over the green bridge crossing the Flood Relief Channel. (The Wildlife Discovery Centre is a short detour from the route – remain on the pathway passing the bridge, to the information point).
Continue ahead through a walk-around gate into Fishers Green car park.
Follow the pathway in front of the toilets, and take the first right turn, signposted Lee Valley Animal Adventure Park, continuing along the pathway to the Farms car park.
Lee Valley Animal Adventure Park
Fishers Green
Lee Valley Animal Adventure Park