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Robbie Lea Water Safety Partnership at Haileybury Turnford

Staying safe around water

With winter setting in comes a new danger – ice. Please see our advice for staying safe around water in the colder weather and advice on what to do if you get into trouble in frozen water.

Reporting incidents

Report any of the following incidents on the numbers below:

  • unruly or dangerous behaviour in and around water

  • accidents, incidents or near misses

  • wildlife in trouble                                     


Contact us

  • 03000 030 610 between 08:00 - 17:00

  • 01992 210 196 between 17:00 - 08:00

  • In an emergency call 999

Remember Robbie

Robbie Lea was a fun loving, sporty 17 year old boy when he entered North Met Pit in the summer of 2017. What was meant to be a laugh with his mates, turned into tragedy as Robbie drowned after the effects of cold water shock took hold.


After his tragic death, Robbie’s mum, Sarah, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority and other local and national organisations came together to create the Robbie Lea Water Safety Partnership. Its aim is to help educate children and young people about water safety through assemblies and community events. If you’d like to find out more please email our Learning and Engagement team on  

Memorial for Robbie Lea
Why not?

​Entering water in the park isn’t allowed– it’s dangerous and against our Byelaws. Here are a few of the reason why this isn’t permitted.​

Here are some other great organisations who have information on water safety:

It’s colder that it looks

Inland water is always a lot colder than you think, even on hot days. The drop in your body temperature as you enter the cold water can cause Cold Water Shock. This is where you lose control of your breathing, use of your limbs and if left too long can fall unconscious. This could be fatal.


Remember float to live – relax on your back while your body adjusts then make your way to safety.

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It’s dirtier than it looks

From abandoned industrial equipment, dumped trollies, empty glass bottles, wrappers, animal wee and poo… the list goes on! Although our open water is a haven for wildlife it has, unfortunately, been a dumping ground and is still treated disrespectfully today. There’s no way of knowing what’s in the water and what could be going onto your skin, hair and if you accidentally swallow any of the water, into your body.

This dumped rubbish can also cause obstructions underwater which you could get  trapped by - this could stop you from getting out of the water to safety.

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It’s stronger than it looks

Lots of water in the park has underwater currents, which you can’t see from the surface. You can easily get caught up in the flow and will tire easily trying to escape.

If you find yourself caught in a current, don’t try to swim against it, stay calm, swim with the current and call for help

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It’s lonelier than it looks

There are no lifeguards at our waterbodies so there’s no one to help you.

The average time for an emergency ambulance is 8 minutes but with lots of winding paths and detours in the park finding you in an emergency is a lot harder and extra time in cold water can have devastating consequences.

A great way to pinpoint your position in the park is with the What3Words app. This will give you three words for your precise location within a 3m square and can be used by emergency services to help find you.

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Take a read of our blog

Upcoming events

Poster for art workshops
RTSY Art School Spring Term

Date: 4 January - 5 April

Myddelton House Gardens

Woman painting on a easel
RTSY Adult Art Classes

Date: 17 January - 11 April

Time: 10:30 - 12:30

Myddelton House Gardens

men ready to play wheelchair tennis
Lee Valley Wheelchair Tennis Tournament

Date: 8 - 9 March

Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre

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