Lee Valley Regional Park is often the setting for TV dramas and entertainment shows, commercials, music videos, charity events, photo shoots and even blockbuster movie scenes!

In 2024, 88 filming days took place in the Park – giving our open spaces and venues dozens of starring roles.

From fashion shoots for Burberry at Middlesex Filter Beds in Leyton to up and coming Universal Music’s artist Elmiene’s new music video shot on a misty dawn on Tottenham Marshes – the Park’s rich tapestry of settings offer a wide variety of backdrops and locations for the region’s growing production industry.
Much of what was filmed in 2024 will hit screens this year so your favourite part of the park may be about to play a leading role in a new or much-loved drama, comedy, game show or Hollywood film.
Did anyone spot Lee Valley Ice Centre featured in the opening episode of ITV1’s Dancing On Ice earlier this month?
No spoilers but next time you’re walking in the park, and something seems familiar but you’re not sure why…you may have seen it on the big or small screen or in a magazine!