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Community partners

Community partners

Our Sport and Active Recreation Team focus their attention on corners of our regional community who are inactive, or less active, working closely with people and communities that are marginalised from society at a local level – whether that be a result of social, political, economic or cultural reasons. 

To achieve this, and ensure their resources are allocated to the areas of greatest need, the team adopt a place-based approach, working with community partners to identify priorities at a local level, which are unique and vastly different across the 26-mile Lee Valley Regional Park. By taking this approach, the team can focus their attention on the local health inequalities that exist and offer targeted interventions to ensure that Lee Valley Regional Park Authority can actively contribute towards levelling up society

Working with us

Lee Valley Regional Park are expanding our open space offer to provide a programme of low-cost (including free), physical activity opportunities for people to access their local green space. This will involve connecting with health sector partners to develop a programme of activity that is accessible, affordable and engaging for people that are in most need of targeted intervention. As part of this process, we'll engage with the local Integrated Care infrastructure (in and around Lee Valley Regional Park) to develop referral pathways from social prescribers, and other relevant services, into green exercise.

If your organisation would like to discuss the potential of working collaboratively, please contact a member of the team on

Funding for groups, schools and communities

The Community Access Fund and Active Communities Grant Scheme gives financial support to community and school groups who can benefit from the fabulously diverse and world class opportunities the park offers. Find out more information here.

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