Rye House Gatehouse
Postcode: EN11 0EH
7,000m² of flat open space, with a unique historical building as a stunning backdrop.
The site is the perfect location for community events, corporate hires and even Halloween themed events as the Gatehouse is famed for paranormal sightings!
Key information
Site Services
Size of footprint – 16,147m2
Size of Hirable Space – 7,000 m2
Event Scale: Small Scale Event Space
Surface: Mixture of hard surface pathways and grass flat open space
Water: None.
Electricity: Mains electric supplied to the building
Lights: Gate House has interior lights, no external lights
Toilets: No toilets, Local toilets can be found surrounding the sit at
The Rye House Public House. What3Words Ref: bring.alien.allows
Rye House Stadium. What3Words Ref: usual.bucked.units
All of the above facilities are open during their normal hours of operation.
Transport Links
Car Parking – 20 Car Parking spaces, 1 Blue Badge space. Via Rye Road
Train – Rye House Station (London Liverpool St – Hertford East Line)
Bus: 25
Bike: NCN Route 1
Vehicle Access: Via Station Road - 6m Width. Via Rye Road 7.3m Width
Pedestrian Access: Via Rye Road – 3.3m Width
Key Site Info
Open Space area can be used between April – September
Open Space Capacity: Small Scale
Local Authority: East Herts Council
Residents: Less than 100m away
Electrical Services: Live cables run under the site
Ground Conditions: Good and reliable ground conditions. Permission needed from Historic England to break the ground surface
Nearest Accommodation: Clocktower Lodge Ltd, EN11 8TP (six-minute drive)
The Site is a Grade II listed site
Protected Animals: Water Volves and their burrows present in the moat which are protected by law.
Building Capacity: 30 People Max
Exterior Areas: Site has 3 picnic tables around the site, looking at the building and surrounding moat. This area is popular with geese and their families all year round.
Interior Areas: Building is small with low doorways and uneven floors in all rooms. There are low metal beams with uneven steps on the stairway from the ground floor up to the turret viewing area.