Myddelton House
The following prices will be charged from 1 April 2025, only prices that are changing are listed here.
Car parking annual pass: £35
Guided walks, music, theatre: £15.50 per person
Wreath making: £50 per person
Community use hire (Gallery, charity, display space)
Garage (weekday): £40 per day
Garage (weekend): £45 per day
Stable space (weekday): £45 per day
Stable space (weekend): £50 per day
Commercial Hire
Hard standing behind house £2,800 per day
Garage or stable space (weekday): £60 per day
Garage or stable space (weekend): £70 per day
Room Hire
Weekday (daytime): £55 per hour
Weekday (evening): £83 per hour
Weekend (daytime): £83 per hour
Weekend (evening): £130 per hour
Miscellaneous items
Audio visual package (full day): £109
Audio visual package (half day): £55
Flipchart Pad and Pens: £24 per chart
Tea/Coffee (unlimited): £2 per head
Biscuits: £1.05 per head