Lee Valley Marina Stanstead Abbotts
The following prices will be charged from 1 April 2025, only prices that are changing are listed here.
Moorings (prices are per metre, per month)
Marina: £22.50
Hard standing (large boats): £19.20
Hard standing (medium boats): £18.20
Hard standing (small boats): £15.10
Rye House: £17.80
Late payment of mooring fees: £45.50
Temporary visitor mooring:
Marina (max one week stay): £42.50 (per 24 hours)
Hardstanding and Rye House (max three month stay): £31.10 (prices are per metre, per month)
Single lift: from £250
Double lift: from £480
Crane off lorry and cost for wide beam: from £380
Survey: £550
Caravan: £72.520 (per month)
Undercover: £170 (additional monthly charge onto of mooring cost)
Boat trailer: £255 (per year)
Admin charge for formal letters for non-compliance with agreements: £35